IIMP® appoints Al-Ahliyyah Amman University as Accredited Education Institution
The International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®) certifies the Al-Ahliyyah Amman University, in Jordan, as IIMP® Accredited Education Institution (AEI) by offering accredited Bachelor of Marketing degree.
The International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®) has certified the Al-Ahliyyah Amman University (AAU), in Jordan, IIMP® Accredited Education Institution (AEI) after reviewing its bachelor of Marketing degree.
The Academic Accreditation Committee at the IIMP® has thoroughly reviewed the degree program, which includes marketing and non-marketing courses preparing graduates are qualified for Level 1 Associate CMMP® and to meet entrance requirements to enter professional designation at Level 2 Manager CMMP®.
Each calendar year, the IIMP® will grant the Collegiate scholarship to a graduating student who will secure the highest position in the accredited program. The scholarship will fully subsidize the program fee for entry into the CMMP® (Certified Marketing Management Professional) program which will provide rigorous professional skills to prepare candidates to receive CMMP® title, a globally-recognized professional designation, upon successfully completion.
Mr. Nisar Butt, President and CEO of IIMP®, stress that: “We are proud that AAU is part of our Accredited Education Institution list, revealing a great effort from academic institutions to provide academic and professional skills to their graduates and better prepared their alumni for professional market.”
For full list of AEI consult here.